Letters: Show teachers more respect

Students should have incentives to do better, but throwing a pie in a teacher’s face is disrespectful (June 4, page A1).

We need to encourage respect for teachers (often lacking), not by throwing pies in their faces.

How would we like it if we threw pies at the police officers working in the schools instead of the teachers?

Disrespectful on any level.

Mary Hogan




Water — too much when we don’t need it and too little when we do.

It is hurricane season again in Harlingen. In the past, it was this time of the year when we had to look forward to flooding. In the past couple of years we have seen flooding anytime it has rained more than a couple of inches.

The growth in Harlingen is not going to stop. That means we will keep paving over what little raw land we have left. If you are doing new construction it is not a problem because you have to place the foundation about two feet above grade based on observations. The rest of the community built over the last hundred years or so is not so lucky.

Before there is no raw land left, we have to rethink how we do drainage. It should be obvious by now that even with the typical improvements to the drainage system, we cannot remove floodwaters from the community as fast as it is falling on us.

It is past time to consider holding that floodwater in place in strategically placed ponds in low lying areas of Harlingen until the drainage system can deal with the overload. It will not work to place those ponds on the outskirts of town. By the time they fill, our neighborhoods have already flooded.

This approach works across the world in countries that have dealt with flooding for centuries. It is about time we actually spend at least some of our time, energy and money on a plan that might actually solve the problem rather than continuing to fill sand bags in a loosing effort to hold back the water once again.

Bill DeBrooke




Every time I open the our local newspaper I read nothing but bashing Republicans, legislators, state and federal, and anyone who agrees with them.

The Associated Press and the Houston Chronicle are the epitome of beating up on Republicans.

As an example the editorials written by the Houston Chronicle are always beating up our governor, attorney general and Republican federal legislators.

It’s always the same old song-and-dance story. And these are stories that are mainly made up or twisted somehow to have you think it is better to have someone like Beto O’Rourke running the state.

Unbeknownst to this “news” paper, it is due to our Republican leadership in Texas that we have a strong economy in our state. This leadership looks after Texans by confronting problems that affect us. They take the bull by the horns. They use money wisely. It is much cheaper to bus those illegal immigrants to Biden than to have them wandering in our border towns and causing problems for us.

What happened to our immigration law that we have in this country? God help us. This other guy would not hesitate to ruin us. He would not hesitate to spend our money foolishly and leave the state in economic ruin.

I hope most of us have sense enough to vote for the right man for the job. One who cares for Texans.

M.C. Garcia
