Letters: Supreme Court seen as partisan

Let me get this right. One leak from the Supreme Court of the United States of America, and immediately the court marshal is called in to investigate by Chief Justice Roberts.

But, wait a minute. The wife of a sitting Supreme Court Justice literally plots to overthrow the government and there is no investigation. Now, a single enforcement official is called in to check it out.

So what happened to no one is above the law? Sounds partisan. The wife has her calls to the White House recorded. There are witnesses and nothing happens.

So, my question to the Supreme Court: What happened to no one is above the law? Looks like the Supreme Court swept it under the rug.

More than anyone, they should hold everyone accountable. They should be the ones to set the example, not be the example.

The Supreme Court of the United States has no shame. They should all be replaced with honest justices, people we can really trust. Not the Republican political hacks we have in office now.

Abel R. Moreno




On April 12, while in an Iowa cornfield, President Biden issued an emergency waiver to allow gas stations across the nation to sell gas composed of 15% ethanol known as E15. According to Biden this would ease the pain at the gas pump.

The rationale for this move by Biden administration is that the cost of producing ethanol is cheaper than producing gasoline.

Is this a good deal for Texans and the U.S.? The answer to this question is no. A report by Renewal Fuels Association chief economist Scott Richman in Sept 2021 stated there is no correlation between the price of gasoline and renewal fuels such as ethanol. Further, there is very little demand for E15 gasoline. Farm Progress published a Bloomberg report that indicated there are only 2,000 gas stations carrying E15 gasoline, mostly located in Minnesota and Iowa.

Lastly, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, 95% of all gasoline sold contains 10% ethanol known as E10. This proves there is no demand for E15.

There are other reasons why E15 gasoline is not going to help the American consumer. The U.S. Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency on the website www.fueleconomy.gov state that using E15, vehicles will experience a 4% to 5% decrease in gas mileage. Lower gas mileage means drivers will be refueling at a faster rate than normal.

Beyond lower gas mileage, the use of E15 has another negative impact on Americans. Corn is the major source of ethanol and it’s the major food source for beef, chicken and pork. We are facing a shortage of these animal products in our grocery stores. There is no logic in diverting corn from food production to an ethanol product that provides no benefit and not wanted by consumers.

Robert Bonds



for country

I just want to offer a prediction and word of warning as it relates to the repeal of Title 42.

The repeal of Title 42, coupled with massive/unrestrained immigration currently underway at our southern border, will convert the U.S., practically overnight, into a “super welfare state” composed of a large percentage of the world’s immigrant population and asylum seekers at the expense of U.S. taxpayers. Is this a great country or what?

Ben Castillo


U.N. shouldn’t

study obesity

I see in The Herald of May 4 that the United Nations has found obesity levels in Europe to be of “epidemic proportions.”

Would someone please tell me what is the business of the U.N. to study obesity anywhere in the world?

The U.N. has an operating budget of $3.07 billion, of which U.S. taxpayers fund 22%, including 28% of the peacekeeping fund! It would be more than interesting to learn when and where the U.N. has kept any peace since its founding in 1945. Some people believe the U.N. is and has been a huge failure all through its history.

The U.N. has on its Human Rights Commission China and Cuba, among others.

I’m sure American taxpayers are interested and concerned to learn that, according to the Associated Press, there are fat people in Turkey, Malta, Israel and Britain.

I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep at night knowing this.

Bill Young


Air makes

the person

The Bible says the soul enters the body upon the first breath. This is when God breathes life into the body. Life commences upon the first breath of life. Babies do not breathe inside the womb.

This is Bible truth for you who believe in the bible: Genesis 2:7: “Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.”

So where is there a problem for you Christian evangelicals anti-abortionists? Isn’t the Bible the source of your beliefs?

Arnoldo Gonzalez
