Letters: Putin’s minions

The situation in Ukraine is getting downright genocidal with the Russian army killing civilians left and right. When you look at the maps of the entire planet, Russia takes up more land area than China and India combined with these two countries having 36% of the world’s population. Russia is losing people according to estimates of experts with only 148 million remaining.

So why is Vladimir Putin doing what he is currently planning? Either he is completely nuts or he has a master plan to take over the entire world and rule his way of thinking as if he is the returning Lord.

I was talking to a person originally from Finland and this person told me that when Estonia was under Russian rule, the people were required to speak only Russian! Is this what we want for the world?

In America we are seeing people who have nationwide exposure to the media making excuses for Putin’s behavior or in a despicable way applauding his behavior. These people in my opinion are Trump cultists for the most part. We have members of Congress who are bordering on treason with their rhetoric.

If the insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021, had happened in Russia, those people including Trump would either be in jail or dead!

Bill Williams



crime linked

Banning abortions increases crime, research proves. New research finds that legalized abortion following Roe v. Wade accounts for 45% of the decline in U.S. crime rates over the past three decades.

Edinburg’s religious community want their religion to be the official religion. Texas ignores the UN’s Human Rights for Women, just as Russia, the GOP, Christian nationalists and other gynophobic men do. Hunger, child abuse, violence against women and medical illnesses are the best thing to ever happen to the pastors of churches. They preach against it and make lots more money. Deliberately making a town, state or nation less safe just to promote an evil religion makes it worse.

The best-known study of the abortion-crime connection was performed by John J. Donohue III and Steven D. Levitt in 2001. In HarvardUniversity’s Quarterly Journal of Economics, the authors stated: “Legalized abortion has contributed significantly to recent crime reductions. … Legalized abortion appears to account for as much as 50 percent of the recent drop in crime.” Donohue and Levitt noted that “crime began to fall roughly 18 years after abortion legalization,” and that the social benefit of this decrease in crime is about $30 billion annually.

States with the highest abortion restrictions are generally the poorest states. Look at the former Confederate states and their average income and abortion restrictions. Look at women’s poor health by state and abortions are restricted.

Legislating morality has never worked. States with the most restrictions on abortions tend to have the highest divorce rates. Look at the Confederate states. Nothing good for the general population has ever come from banning abortions. Because of Gov. Greg Abbott’s fear of women, crime will jump in 18 years and the hand-wringers will want more guns.

Hank Shiver
