The Brownsville Independent School District is installing high-end air purifiers to filter out COVID 19, flu viruses and even viruses that cause the common cold in cafeterias across the district.

The filters, the larger known as Cascade and the smaller as Jade, are manufactured by Clean US Air, which bills them as being able to filter out particles down to .0025 microns. The company website says the coronavirus is .1 microns.

Tuesday morning, head custodians at all BISD campuses were receiving training in how to properly operate the units, 126 Cascade pruifiers and 31 Jade purifiers. The company describes the units as being able to provide “surgically clean air” by filtering out contaminants “in six distinct stages that remove particles including odors, gases, mold, allergens and viruses” while sterilizing and re-energizing the air.

Health Services Director Alonso Guererro said the units represent an investment of more than $700,000.

“ They help with allergies, strep, and all other communicable diseases,” Guererro said.

The number of purifiers each campus will get depends on square footage. For example, the Aiken Elementary cafeteria has 7,947 square feet and will get three Cascade and one Jade purifier, he said.

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