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HARLINGEN — Valley International Airport’s American Airlines station is being recognized for its excellence in customer service. It was awarded the airline’s Customer Cup for the fiscal year’s second quarter, marking the first time a Rio Grande Valley team has won the award.

“We are delighted by the recognition bestowed upon the American Airlines’ team here in Harlingen,” Marv Esterly, the airport’s aviation director, stated. “It’s been an incredibly busy season here at the airport, and we’re thankful for all of the hard work and dedication of the AA station.”

American Airlines awards its Customer Cup each quarter, recognizing airport stations throughout its network for excellence in areas such as gate interactions, boarding experience, delays and delay management, onboard interactions, baggage handling and baggage resolution.

A ceremony is set for 11:30 a.m. Aug. 11 at the airport’s main lobby, where American Airlines executives will present the award.