Sea Turtle Inc. monitoring weather

Dozens of cold-stunned Atlantic green sea turtles rehabilitate Friday at Sea Turtle Inc. on South Padre Island.

The frigid temperatures in the Rio Grande Valley not only affect humans but animals as well.

Officials at Sea Turtle Inc. are monitoring the weather and making preparations for the reptiles that can be found in the waters around the Laguna Madre and Boca Chica Beach.

The small cold weather event from January resulted in only 9 cold stun turtles, but this week’s incoming storm appears to be on track to produce a more significant cold stun event, Sea Turtle Inc. said in medial release. We are fast approaching the one year mark of the large cold stun event in February 2021.

“While we do not anticipate that type of event again we are prepared and ready to respond to a cold stun event of any size” says Wendy Knight, chief executive officer.

Cold Stun events happen when the water gets too cold for sea turtles to maintain their body temperature. As a result, the turtles are awake but unable to move or swim. If not rescued, while they are awake and alive, the turtles will drown from being unable to lift their head to draw their breath. Sea Turtle Inc. has been responding to cold stuns for over 45 years and continues its three-tier mission year long.

You can follow Sea Turtle Inc. on its Facebook page for continued updates as the weekend weather unfolds