Mercedes asks residents to sign up for emergency notifications as cold front nears

Citing a cold weather headed toward South Texas, the city of Mercedes is urging residents to sign up for its CodeRed emergency notification system.

A strong arctic front expected to arrive in the Rio Grande Valley early Thursday prompted a winter weather watch from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas and has much of the state reflecting on last year’s catastrophic winter storm.

A release from Mercedes said the city will use its notification system to communicate by sending alerts to citizens and businesses via telephone, text message and email.

“With CodeRed, Mercedes city officials can deliver time-sensitive information to residents who have registered to receive alerts,” the release said. “In case of an emergency, this mass notification system delivers timely public-safety alerts and warning messages regarding issues such as inclement weather, missing persons alerts, evacuation notices and much more.”

Residents can register for alerts online at or by texting MERCEDES to 99411. They can also contact city hall at (956) 565-3114, extension 137, for help registering.