Cameron County Commissioners Court tables item that would transfer courthouse security back to sheriff

Cameron County Commissioners Court on Tuesday tabled an item to discuss and transfer courthouse security back to the sheriff’s department because Sheriff Eric Garza was not available to answer questions the court had.

The court was to vote on transferring courthouse security to the sheriff’s department from the Precinct 2 Constable’s Office, transferring the courthouse security budget to the sheriff’s department from the Precinct 2 Constable’s Office and reclassifying 15 employee from the Constable’s Office to the sheriff’s department.

However, since Garza did not attend Tuesday’s Commissioners Court meeting and was unavailable to answer their questions, the transfers were tabled.

Rick Cornejo, office administrator for the sheriff’s department, said there was a conflict with Garza’s schedule but that he would be available to answer any questions they had. Since Cornejo is not the sheriff or in charge of courthouse security, Commissioners Court chose to table the items instead.