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COMMENTARY: Comments on ballot items inspire response

This is my response to Ned Sheats’ commentary of Oct. 3, giving his opinions on Texas constitutional proposals on the November ballot. I agree with his “yes” and “no” votes, and I thank him for doing so much investigating for me.

LETTERS: Gun license is a liability, Abortion not settled

License to carry a handgun: What does it mean? Conceal carry seems to be the better choice if you ever carry. No one needs to know what you have and you are in less danger of becoming a target by criminals who need that weapon more than you do.

COMMENTARY: South Texas needs school choice, equal opportunities

Students in South Texas are back to school, and many are returning to schools that might not be meeting their needs. This raises an important question for parents whose children are stuck in failing schools: Why do we continue to follow the same failing education system? And why is choice only for the rich?

LETTERS: Becoming oligarchy, Cartoon catcalls

We are becoming an oligarchy country, ruled by the few — the billionaire class, the corporations — thanks in large part to the U.S. Supreme Court and their wrong-headed decisions that started in 1976.

COMMENTARY: Thoughts on Kennewick Man and Columbus Day

Nine thousand years ago a man died along the Columbia River. About 40 years old, he stood 5 feet, 7 inches tall and his 160 pounds were all lean, compact strength. He was no stranger to injury.

LETTERS: Talking ‘woke’, Opinions wanted in news articles, Republicans have changed

“Woke” is an adjective derived from African American vernacular English meaning “alert to racial prejudice and discrimination.” Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism and LGBT rights.

EDITORIAL: We shouldn’t ignore good or bad effects of Columbus voyage

“In Fourteen hundred and ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.” Countless Americans learned the little rhyme in elementary school classrooms to recount Italian sailor Christopher Columbus’ discovery of the New World.

LETTERS: Rigged exchange, Pursue balance, ‘Bashing’ addressed

Iran hit the rigged jackpot again. This rigged $6 billion deal between the USA and Iran to exchange wrongly detained U.S. citizens in Iran for hardcore Iranian criminals in the USA, and for Iran to receive hostage money every time, makes the U.S. look weak to the world.

EDITORIAL: Autos getting safer, but walker-cyclist fatalities still rising

Our nation’s automobiles are safer than ever. Most new vehicles have features to reduce the chance of accidents, including cameras that enable drivers to see what’s behind or beside them and sensors that sound when the vehicle nears a person or object. Many automatically brake if a driver gets too close.

COMMENTARY: Better immigration policy is possible and needed

Americans have been waiting for “comprehensive immigration reform” since 1986, when President Reagan granted amnesty to many illegal immigrants in the country — roughly 3 million at the time — in exchange for lawmakers’ promises to secure the border.