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Rigged exchange

Iran hit the rigged jackpot again. This rigged $6 billion deal between the USA and Iran to exchange wrongly detained U.S. citizens in Iran for hardcore Iranian criminals in the USA, and for Iran to receive hostage money every time, makes the U.S. look weak to the world.

Why is it that on every prisoner exchange, Iran always has the upper hand?

The U.S. froze Iranian oil money in the U.S. when Iran was taken over by Islamist extremists and the Shah of Iran was forced to flee the country to reside in the U.S.

Oh, we are only giving their money back to them to improve their nation, so, that’s a good deal.

This sweet deal only encourages Iran to do more of the same by holding more innocent U.S. citizens in Iran in the future only to be rewarded later.

This is like watching a TV soap series with no end.

Rafael Madrigal


Pursue balance

Kudos to this newspaper. It continues to pursue balance for different ideologies. Let this courage prevail for the survival of authentic democracy, free of oppressive censorship.

It is in the Good Word that we’ve been lovingly instructed to never fall prey to “malice, deceit, hypocrisy, envy and evil-speaking.” God’s true people should never thump our chests in fake sanctimony, but pursue the truth with purity of heart, courage, honesty and without hateful character destruction that will only strike back in karma to ourselves.

Imelda Coronado


‘Bashing’ addressed

I can agree with Mr. Abel R. Moreno that there is much “bashing” going on and condemnation of another’s opinions can even lead to hatred and violence (Letters, Sept. 23 27). In a piece from the weekend Monitor (Sept. 23-24), the Anti-Defamation League reported that from last year to this year the number of anti-Semitic incidents in Texas rose by 89% from last year. Compare that to 36%, nationally.

Where do opinions come from? Often people adopt parental opinions, especially political ones, while they grow up and some keep those opinions into adulthood. Unexamined opinions can lead to ignorance and a world view that can lead to hatred and violence. In this country there are more militia groups, politically motivated, than at any other time in our history. You have only to consult The Southern Poverty Law Center to confirm that.

It is not enough to respect someone else’s opinion. Actually listening, hearing what’s said, and to hold judgment can lead to debate (a good thing when done with respect for the speaker) and discourse, which we are sorely lacking in our country. That means you talk a while and I listen, then I talk some, and you listen. Not just listen but attend to what is said. You can even take notes! I do. I want to remember a point I want to ask questions about or argue that point.

“But to bash someone else’s comments is wrong.” I believe Mr. Moreno is correct in that just “bashing” is wrong. You could write a letter to the editor that explores a response to the points you want to make better than hurt feelings or take criticism of your words personally.

I do question respect for Donald Trump’s agenda. What is his agenda? I think he has made that quite clear from his own words.

Shirley Rickett


LETTERS — We welcome your letters and commentary. Submissions must include the writer’s full name, address and daytime telephone number for verification. Letters of 200 words or fewer will be given preference. Submissions may be edited for length, grammar and clarity. Letters may be mailed to P.O Box 3267, McAllen, Texas 78502-3267, or emailed to [email protected].