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LETTERS: On local medical drop off boxes and Juneteeth talk

Use medical drop boxesAs the opioid epidemic continues on the rise across the nation, it is important to keep in mind what it means...

LETTERS: On Cruz’ July 4 McAllen visit; GOP healthcare plan and Edinburg parks

Cruz’ July 4 visitI am surprised and highly disappointed Sen. Ted Cruz was asked to participate in McAllen’s Fourth of July Parade. In my...

LETTERS: On Sen. Cruz’ Independence Day visit and ‘un-American’ letter

Sen. Cruz invitation is ‘disappointing’I cannot bear to think about the decision by the City of McAllen to invite U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas,...

LETTERS: On congressional ‘fools,’ James Comey and Texas property tax relief

Congressional ‘fools,’ ‘spoiled tots’What, who and why in the world have we elected those we title as representatives to the Congress of our country?...

LETTERS: On better driving and funding UTRGV School of Medicine

Obey traffic lawsWhy is it hard to comply with traffic laws? Ignoring traffic signs can be very dangerous. There have been many accidents in...

LETTERS: On Paris Accord fallout

Paris Accord falloutSen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, was wrong in supporting President Donald Trump’s decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate...

LETTERS: On DC shooting and DC antics

Democrats, not guns are problemFederal background checks do help to identify known criminals and prevent them from legally purchasing firearms. But background checks do...

LETTERS: On Edinburg’s Cenizo Park and dangerous intersection and ethical behaviors

Protecting Cenizo Park in EdinburgOn June 6, the City of Edinburg designated and appropriated Parkland Dedication funds of $1 million for the Memorial/Eisenhower Park...

LETTERS: On ‘fast food babysitting,’ transparent government and new cartoon

Fast food babysittingSince last summer some friends and I have noticed that some adults, hopefully parents, were dropping off children at local fast food...

LETTERS: On ACA and letter rebuttal

America’s health careThe very existence of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) is deplorable because it was rushed together as essentially a piece of...