TSTC offers a hands-on approach to Mechatronics Technology

Robotics, machining, and computing, oh my! Mechatronics Technology at Texas State Technical College offers an exciting degree path to an even more exciting career. Lead instructor EldwinLeija discussed some of the program’s courses, as well as the characteristics that make studying mechatronics at TSTC technically better.

What courses do you teach?

I teach a few of the basic courses for the program, such as digital circuits, electromechanical systems, and manufacturing robotics.

What is mechatronics, and what is the outlook for jobs in this industry?

Mechatronics is the study and use of multiple disciplines, such as industrial maintenance, industrial robotics technology, and process controls. To simplify, mechatronics technicians can go from working on oil rigs — maintaining pumping systems and all of the sensors and controls

that keep them running — to working inside a manufacturing shop.  We repair control systems that keep the manufacturing companies going strong.  The job outlook for mechatronics engineers is very healthy.

Why are jobs in mechatronics important?

We help maintain the equipment for the necessary products that we use every day.

What makes studying mechatronics at TSTC different?

We have a solid curriculum, supplemented with industry-relevant equipment.

Even during these times, we have managed to have hands-on labs on campus while

strictly following guidelines and regulations. Our staff has many years of relevant industry experience in mechatronics, and we help students find a career when they are done.

Fall registration is currently underway.

To learn more about Mechatronics Technology at TSTC, visithttps://tstc.edu/programs/MechatronicsTechnology.