A Football Life: Brenda Reyna

HARLINGEN — We caught up with Brenda Reyna to talk about why she plays tackle football with the RGV Vixens, and why she enjoys the game.

She works at a local hospital, makes the time to take her three boys where they need to go, and is known for her good attitude and bright smile.

VMS: How did you get into playing football?

BRENDA: I have always had an interest in playing football my entire life. But it truly started my 8th grade year when I played for the school district in Lyford C.I.S.D.

At that point I was paying close attention to all aspects of the game on the field from high school, college, to NFL ball.

I didn’t attempt to continue playing in high school for the simple reason it was not the norm for a girl to play football. But my desire never died.

VMS: What position do you play?

BRENDA: My heart is in the backfield, Running Back! It’s an adrenaline rush on the impact of a tackle.

VMS: How do you manage your time playing on the team and getting your children where they need to be?

BRENDA: Managing my time is difficult. I sometimes state I need more hours in the day but nevertheless I make it possible.

Working full-time, having one of my boys in Texas Youth Football Association, playing football and being in an organization with a TYFA Team, Ruthless Wolfpack is all part of my dream.

VMS: What has been your biggest challenge playing in the women’s football league?

BRENDA: My biggest challenge has been recovery from a knee injury. My mind is ready to go but my body shows different. I have had the greatest coaches, trainers, and therapists that care for my well-being and strengthen me every day.

VMS: When did you start playing with the team?

BRENDA: I started playing December 2016 with the RGV Vixens. There is no such thing as “A Man’s Sport” now-a-days, football is football regardless of gender.

VMS: Do you have any pre-game rituals/ superstitions?

BRENDA: Ritual, don’t watch pre-game predictions and I zone out on game day music two hours before kickoff.

VMS: If I could switch places with anyone for a day, who would it be?

BRENDA: Switching places would have to be, Terrell Davis, a former running back for the Denver Broncos.

VMS: Your ultimate Sports Center highlight would be?

BRENDA: As far as an ultimate highlight, it would have to be lower my shoulders, running low till I break through the defense holding the ball so no one can strip it, and making it into the end zone for a touchdown.