LETTERS: Catholic bishops respond to National Guard deployment, and 2nd Amendment

U.S. Catholic bishops respond to National Guard deployment

We are deeply concerned by the announcement that the National Guard will be deployed on the U.S./Mexico border. The continued militarization of the U.S./Mexico border distorts the reality of life on the border; this is not a war zone but instead is comprised of many peaceful and law-abiding communities that are also generous in their response to human suffering. We recognize the right of nations to control and secure their borders; we also recognize the need of nations to respect the rule of law. Current law in the United States rightly provides that those arriving to our country fleeing persecution are entitled to due-process as their claims are reviewed. Seeking refuge from persecution and violence in search of a peaceful life for oneself and one’s family is not a crime. Our faith calls us to respond with compassion to those who suffer, and to live in a spirit of solidarity with all human beings. We remain hopeful that our local, state and federal officials will work collaboratively and prudently in the implementation of this deployment, ensuring that the presence of the National Guard is measured and not disruptive to community life. We are also deeply concerned that at this time divisive rhetoric often promotes the dehumanization of immigrants, as if all were threats and criminals. We urge Catholics and people of good will to look past the dehumanizing rhetoric regarding immigrants and remember that they are a vulnerable population, our neighbors, and our sisters and brothers in Christ.

Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller, Archdiocese of San Antonio

Bishop Daniel E. Flores,

Diocese of Brownsville

Bishop James Tamayo,

Diocese of Laredo

Bishop Michael J. Sis,

Diocese of San Angelo

Bishop Mark J. Seitz,

Diocese of El Paso

Bishop Oscar Cantu,

Diocese of Las Cruces, New Mexico

Bishop Edward J. Weisenburger,

Diocese of Tucson, Arizona

Bishop Robert W. McElroy,

Diocese of San Diego, California

Rebuttal about gun letter

I would appreciate the opportunity to correct some of the assumptions made in a letter last week by Jim Barnes in response to my previous letter on gun rights. The reasons I did not include statistics are:

1. Even one murder of an innocent that could have been prevented by more stringent gun laws and proper enforcement of existing ones is too many.

2. A comparison of any real world statistics to those from only the largest cities is ludicrous.

3. If he wishes to believe that one recent instance where the murderer was shot by an armed civilian can be accomplished in all situations, I will be glad to purchase a ticket for him to Fantasy Land.

Lastly when I accepted the OWLS red shirt it was after observing its dedication to correcting local issues. Those accepting me into the group know I am an independent voter and pride myself in practicing objectivity — the first letter in OWLS — and in facts, not fiction.

Finally, Mr. Barnes, I am not a freak. You demean your cause with name calling. I am just a citizen who can make an informed decision rather than follow the radical conservative rules like elephants in a circus being led nose to tail and who also believes there should be better control rather than the loss of even one more life.

Ned Sheats, Mission

Rattlesnake roundup support

PETA and the SPCA should leave the Jaycees and the Rattlesnake Roundup alone. Occasionally, harvesting the snakes makes for a healthier population. Animals do not have the luxury of abortion and birth control. Painful starvation is their fate. The female coyote is the only animal I know of that adjusts her litter size naturally depending on the food supply.

This nation is overwhelmed by old, useless horses. We spend millions of dollars feeding wild horses that nobody wants. Canadians eat horse meat; Vietnamese eat cats; Chinese eat dogs, etc. Soon elephants will be one of the most useless animals on Earth. Let’s ask PETA to feed all those horses …

Clint Williams, Edcouch