District nurses work to keep students, staff healthy

It’s been an active flu season, and the district’s Health Services Coordinator, Janette M. Rodriguez, RN, and district nurses have stayed busy educating students and staff about the flu for the past few months.

In anticipation of an active and busy flu season, Rodriguez ordered posters and brochures from the Centers for Disease Control for display and distribution at all campuses.

“When flu season started, I conducted several trainings during faculty meetings regarding flu prevention. I will have some additional trainings that are planned in the next few weeks,“ she explained.

The training will teach participants to learn about the signs and symptoms of the flu, how the flu is spread, and when students and employees should stay home from school. It will also cover topics related to hand washing reminders and proper hand washing techniques.

District employees were provided with opportunities to obtain their flu shots in the fall.

Rodriguez has also reached out to local health services coordinators to determine what additional preventive measures can be shared with students and staff.

Several campuses throughout the district are providing morning and afternoon announcements regarding flu prevention and the importance of covering coughs and washing hands frequently. Campuses are being disinfected on a regular basis.

Rodriguez is working on a letter to send home to all parents, reminding them that flu season is in full swing and advising them about the signs and symptoms, when they should keep their children home, and how to prevent the flu.

Anyone who believes they may have the flu should seek medical attention.