City manager Charlie Cabler leaves effective immediately

Brownsville City Manager Charlie Cabler on Thursday submitted his letter of retirement after working for the city for 39 years. His retirement took effect immediately.

Brownsville City Manager Charlie Cabler on Thursday submitted his letter of retirement after working for the city for 39 years. His retirement took effect immediately.

Cabler said he decided to retire because he feels the city needs a different direction and because he wants to be with his mother, who is battling leukemia. He had taken a family and medical leave of absence.

“I want to spend some time with my family and my mom, but I’ll be here and I’ll be active in our community as much as I can to help anyone,” Cabler said. “We need someone to have full attention at the (city manager’s) office.”

In his retirement letter, Cabler mentions the city’s clarity and commitment has been challenged in recent days by questions surrounding city policies and procedures.

“I am deeply concerned that my continued presence will serve to further distract our noble commission from securing a full and transparent audit into the issue,” he wrote.

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