High school students continue the drive for relief

HARLINGEN — Edward Guerrero folded faded jeans and placed them in a pile next to donations of bottled water, canned vegetables and baby diapers.

“Hey, Rene,” he and Antonio Caballero called out to fellow Harlingen FFA member Rene Gomez, 17.

Rene had just entered the large classroom at the Harlingen High School vocational building where donations for hurricane relief waited for transportation north.

Soon, dozens of FFA members had begun moving supplies to a large metal trailer. They were joined by the HHS Student Council and the Cheerleaders.

“I think it’s great,” said Serena Garcia, 17, president of the student council.

“I think it’s really sad all the loss,” she added. “Some kids haven’t even started school yet and they don’t have any clothes.”

Some kids were especially disheartened after having just received the news that Refugio had suffered severely from Hurricane Harvey. In fact, their new Ag Farm located in Refugio had been destroyed by the storm.

Cara Cash, president of the Harlingen FFA, said the supplies they’d collected had originally been intended for the Rockport-Houston area. With this new information, it might be taken to Refugio instead. She appreciated at least the chance to help, and admired the willingness of so many volunteers.

“I am really thrilled,” said Cara, 16, a junior.

“I think it’s awesome our high school’s able to help other communities in the state of Texas,” she said.

Her fellow FFA members agreed.

“I feel like we are helping people that are in need,” Rene said. “I am glad we can donate stuff.”

Organizations that helped collect donations

Harlingen High School Student Council

Harlingen FFA

Harlingen High School Cheerleaders

More than 700 items were donated