Chick-fil-A donates $2500 to humane society

HARLINGEN — Fast-food restaurants are joining the community’s drive to help find homes for stray dogs and cats.

Earlier this week, Chick-fil-a donated $2,500 to the Harlingen Humane Society, three months after it announced it was “broke.”

Pat Turman-White, the humane society’s president, said yesterday after Chick-fil-a represenatatives presented her with the donation.

In April, Turman-White announced a financial crisis was forcing the humane society to cut back on programs such as spay and neutering services.

Soon, the area’s animal lovers unleached an outpouring of support.

From May through July, the human society has raised $49,631 in donations and $23,766 through fundraisers.

“It’s awesome,” Turman-White said.

But she said the organization continues to struggle.

To run its animal shelter, the humane society operates on a $475,000 budget, while counting on the city’s annual $131,000 contribution as it only secured source of revenue.

Its monthly expenses are high, ranging from about $30,000 to $40,000.

So every year, the organization is faced with raising $344,000 to keep running.