City, police union try to negotiate new contract

HARLINGEN — The union wants higher pay for the police department’s experienced officers.

The Harlingen Police Officers and Law Enforcement Association is seeking higher salaries for officers with five or more years of experience, said David Willis, an attorney representing the union.

Union representatives continue to meet with city officials to negotiate a new contract for the city’s police officers.

Last year, the city and union failed to reach agreements on a new contract, so police officers have worked under the contract’s so-called evergreen clause, which expires Sept. 30.

If the parties cannot reach an agreement by the end of Sept., the city would approve a resolution to preserve officers’ salaries and benefits while entering mediation, City Attorney Ricardo Navarro has said.

Mayor Chris Boswell has said the city may not be able to afford higher police salaries this year.

“We can afford what we can afford,” City Attorney Alan Ozuna told union representatives at a meeting Thursday.

City Manager Dan Serna is counting on reaching a contract agreement before the close of the fiscal year.

“We are hopeful,” Willis said.

Willis said he had not determined the amount of money it would cost the city to fund the union’s request.