Not in agreement with racial profiling concerns

I am pretty much in agreement with the letter written by N. Rodriguez (5-16-17).

For the record, this is not the first time Ms. Sandra Sanchez has expressed her concerns regarding law enforcement.

Based on her writings one can assert, that she is against any type of enforcement, I know, that she is a big supporter of open borders.

In her latest diatribe, she is concern because of her daughter’s tan, seriously. She believes that because of the color of her skin, law enforcement, the police will profile her daughter.

Let me set the record straight, everyone profiles. For example. If you were to see a truck full of lawnmowers, weed eaters, rakes, trash cans, one could assume these people do yard work, well,” we just profiled someone.”

I say, to Ms. Sanchez, stop the worrying, only criminals worry about police officers.

I say, the more police in the Valley, the better and safer we are.

Frank Garcia Harlingen