City audit report shows plenty in cash reserve fund

HARLINGEN —Fiscally conservative long-term planning helped amass a cash reserve fund capable of operating the city for 146 days in case of an emergency.

The certified public accounting firm of Carr, Riggs & Ingram gave the city a “clean” annual audit for the 2015-2016 fiscal year.

“It shows we’re a very responsible city,” City Manager Dan Serna said.

The city has amassed a cash reserve fund of $16.7 million, auditor Quinten Anderson told city commissioners during his presentation in a meeting Wednesday.

“The city takes a strong stance in preserving its fund balance,” the auditors state in their report.

The state recommends municipal governments maintain fund balances capable of operating their cities for 90 days in case of emergencies.

Meanwhile, the city’s sales tax collection grew to $22.5 million, compared with $22 million the year before.