Family Night in Harlingen


A man punched a tether ball toward a young woman who laughed in the afternoon sun.

She hit it toward him as two children were relaxing on the pavement.

They’d turned out for the National Boys and Girls Club Family Night at 1209 W. Washington Ave. in Fair Park. Children jumped gleefully inside inflated bouncers, climbed stealthily up rock walls and spun around on carnival rides.

Even more significant were the parents who turned out in good number for the event. The Boys and Girls Clubs said this was a way for entire families to enjoy some quality time.

Alma Dones, unit director for the Harry Nigro Unit of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Harlingen, said more than 200 people of all ages showed up for the event. The Family Night was held as part of the National Boys and Girls Clubs Week.

“It was a huge success,” she said. “We had a lot of people out there helping us and volunteering. It was packed. We had children, we had parents, we had booths.”

Activities included a football punt contest for dads, chalupa bingo for moms and a cupcake walk.