City working to fix call center parking problems

HARLINGEN — For years, parked cars have spilled out of parking lots along stretches of Morgan Boulevard.

Now, city officials are working with Redelco Commercial Real Estate Leasing to address problems stemming from parking at the ACT call center at the intersection of Morgan and 77 Sunshine Strip.

In the last 12 months, the area has been the scene of six traffic accidents, City Manager Dan Serna said today.

“We’re trying to address the safety concern,” Serna said.

Serna said cars parked at the ACT parking lot exits have sometimes blocked the sight of traffic along Morgan.

“It’s hard to see ongoing traffic,” Serna said. “We’ve had concerns voiced by nearby establishments.”

At Redelco, Louis Martin said he is working with the city to solve the problem.

“ACT is where the situation lies,” Martin said of the call center with more than 800 employees. “It’s a situation we’ve been confronted with. We don’t have it totally resolved. We are working rather diligently.”

Options include using other parking lots.

“The Redelco folks are trying to address the parking need in the area,” Serna said.

Serna said ACT employees could park at the nearby Cinemark parking lot.

Meanwhile, Redelco has built a parking lot for ACT at Morgan and Chaparral Street, Serna said.