Brightening the Resaca Trail

SAN BENITO — Along the resaca’s banks, residents have called for better lighting at one of the city’s most popular attractions.

Now, the city plans to install solar lights to brighten a stretch of the Heavin Resaca Trail.

“The area there doesn’t have sufficient lighting,” Art Garza, the city’s parks director, said yesterday.

Garza plans to install seven solar lights along the trail, just south of the W.H. Heavin Amphitheater.

“A lot of people like to use the trail when the sun goes down so it’s going to add a sense of security,” Garza said.

Officials will use $20,550 in Community Development Block Grant funds to purchase the lighting.

“They’re made for trails,” Garza said of the lights from Sol Inc.

“Solar light is low-impact, considered eco-friendly.”

In that area, solar lighting meets state requirements.

Solar lights meet the criteria of a 2008 grant that led to the trail’s construction.

A state resolution dedicated one acre of the park as “open land, free of equipment, for perpetuity,” city spokesman Martha McClain said in a statement.

Garza said he expects to install the lights in about two months.