San Benito says do away with new campus rating system

SAN BENITO — It’s unfair.

That’s how Superintendent Dr. Adrian Vega describes the state’s new grading system.

The school board agrees.

Trustees here are calling on the state Legislature to repeal the A-F rating system for Texas public schools.

The system is set to be implemented in the 2017-2018 school year as part of House Bill 2804, passed by the Legislature in 2015.

San Benito’s school leaders say the grades aren’t an accurate indicator of performance. A resolution passed by the school board also notes that despite A-F rating systems being implemented in 16 other states, there is no evidence these have helped to improve student or school performance.

“We are encouraged at the action from the Board of Trustees in regard to unanimously passing this resolution,” Vega said.

Several other districts have criticized the new grading system.

“We are joining other districts in expressing our concerns,” Vega said. “A letter grade is not an accurate system that really captures the caliber of the work that’s taking place with our students and teachers in our district.”

Vega said school districts need to be held accountable. However, he says the state must find a better method for accurately measuring student learning.

The A-F rating system’s methodology is still under development. However, TEA recently released a preliminary report, “The A-F Work-in-Progress Report,” which was created only for informational purposes.

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