Voters go to the polls to make a difference

SAN BENITO — Rosalinda Garcia wasn’t going to vote early this time.

She waited for all decisions in the FBI investigation on Hillary Clinton to come out before casting her ballot.

She was not going to waste her vote for president on Clinton if she was going to be impeached later.

Holding her Democrat sign in one hand on the corner 100 feet away from her polling place in San Benito, Garcia, 61, was happy to be a part of history in the making.

“I always vote early but I waited for Election Day to cast my vote,” Garcia said.

She recalled a field trip to Harlingen when she was in elementary school to hear Hubert Humphrey speak during his candidacy for president in 1968.

And 30 years later, she said proudly, her daughter Christina Garcia went with her father to see President Bill Clinton when he visited Brownsville.

Her daughter was a top aide for the Bernie Sanders campaign for president in the Rio Grande Valley, she said with a smile under the dark, cloudy and windy Election Day afternoon.

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