Voter registration on campus exceeds goal

BY : Naissa Lopez

Texas State Technical College in Harlingen has done it yet again. Student leaders from Student Life and Engagement, with assistance from Student Government Association, recently registered another record number of new voters this election year.

The TSTC voter registration initiative began in March of 2012 and has since helped register over 2,000 voters. The 2016 movement alone registered 1,043.

“We received 1,001 new voters four years ago, so we wanted to surpass that,” said Coordinator of Student Orientation and Activities Larissa Moreno. “We’re a very competitive group of individuals, so I knew we could do this.”

Voter turnout in South Texas has been very low in previous elections compared to other parts of the state where eight of 10 residents go to the polls.

“Only two out of 10 people in the Rio Grande Valley vote,” said Roel Gonzalez, New Student Orientation Leader. “We need to be aware of everything that’s going on in the nation. It’s going to affect all of us.”

To support these efforts, TSTC hosted two debate watch parties in September and October, and also partnered with the Advocacy Alliance Center of Texas (AACT NOW), an organization that focuses on getting people from South Texas to the polls.

“They sent us a 30-second commercial to show on campus, which helped us reach more people, and also helped us a lot with flyers and signage,” said Moreno.

Student organizers reminded students that casting a ballot could make a difference for their community, their home and even their college.

“Just because we’re younger and in college doesn’t mean we’re any less represented in politics. We need to have our voices heard,” said orientation leader Adriana Gonzalez.

Gonzalez says educating young voters is one of the keys to making sure that they go out and utilize their right to vote.

“We need to be aware about things going on in our society,” said TSTC student Larry Montalvo, who assisted with the initiative. “We can’t just look the other way. We need to progressively make the strides to make things happen.”

TSTC will be a precinct for early voting in Cameron County. Residents can vote in the VIP Room of the Student Center from Oct. 31 through Nov. 4, beginning at 9 a.m. and ending at 6 p.m.

Election Day takes place on November 8.

For more information on New Student Orientation or Student Government Association, visit