Time for ‘love’: Third graders learn the swing of tennis

HARLINGEN — “Tap-tap-tap-tap.”

Julissa Saenz’s tiny hand gripped the tennis racket as she bounced the yellow and red ball.

“It’s good,” said Julissa, 8. “We are practicing so we can get better.”

Julissa and her fellow third graders at Lee Means Elementary were learning the rudiments of tennis as part of the Harlingen school district’s new Tennis and First Tee Golf Program.

This fall, third graders at each of the district’s 17 elementary schools will spend five days learning about tennis. In the spring, they’ll practice golf for five days.

“We’re doing ball top taps,” said Coach Suzanne Aranda as she stood in the middle of the gym.

Restless children watched her closely.

“Keep your rackets at eye level,” Aranda said. “We are going to line you guys up and get started.”

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