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HARLINGEN — Excited. Nervous.

These were the clashing emotions of a teenager embarking on a new and life-changing experience at Marine Military Academy.

Everardo Ramirez Nunez, 17, of Tampico, Mexico, expressed them very well as he enrolled for his first year at MMA. Ever since he attended summer camp here a couple of years ago, he’s wanted to come back for school.

“My father didn’t want me to because he’s very close to me,” said Everardo. “I asked him one more time and he said yes.”

He was among about 100 new students who enrolled yesterday for a year of rigorous discipline.

New students passed at a steady flow through numerous stations, said Col. Glenn Hill, superintendent. They passed the medical stations where they turned over medical records. They picked up class schedules and went down long counters where they were given uniforms and shoes.

And, of course, they stepped into the barber shop for a head-shaving.

“We have kids coming through here from Mexico, Venezuela, China and Taiwan, and throughout the U.S.,” Hill said. “They have tables set up if they’re interested in aerospace, cybersecurity, athletics, the band program.”

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