Young Life looks to raise funds to help kids

HARLINGEN — The migration of pink flamingos is here in all its glory.

Before you start knocking over the furniture in a scramble to find your binoculars, or speed-dialing the rare bird hotline, maybe a little explanation is in order.

“Actually it’s a fundraiser that Young Life does, and we’ve been doing it for a couple years now to raise funds for kids to go to camp,” Stephen Robinson of Young Life Harlingen said earlier this week.

“We have a number of kids from the Valley and we have teams of volunteers who go into schools, middle and high school, to try and mentor these kids and pregnant teen moms,” Robinson added. “A lot of them have never been to a summer camp before in their lives, much less one out of the Valley.”

Young Life is an evangelical Christian ministry based in Colorado, although the organization has a global reach today. The ministry was founded in Dallas in 1941 by Presbyterian minister Jim Rayburn.

Robinson said Young Life Harlingen has been running flamingo “flocks” for a couple years now.

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