Autism: 2 case studies

BROWNSVILLE — Tyler has an uncanny way of getting into his mother’s computer.

Even after she’s made herself the administrator and implemented all sorts of passwords, Jane Cox’s 12-year-old son still manages to get in. Time after time after time.

This is just one example of the way Tyler, who has autism, can maneuver his way through the computer world leaving his mother dumbfounded.

Tyler, who makes straight As at a local middle school where he attends sixth grade, is obviously intelligent, but that can only carry him so far. He has poor social skills and table manners. He only speaks one or two words at a time. He has difficulty switching from one subject to another.

His mother wonders how he’ll function in the workplace.

“That has me scared,” she said. “I am seeing if he can get into a vocational school.”

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Editor’s Note

EDITOR’S NOTE: This story is part 4 of a series on autism the Valley Morning Star is running during April, which is National Autism Awareness Month. Other parts can be found on