Live from Zavala Elementary: Cub reporters cover school news using modern technology

HARLINGEN — Jennah Gonzalez doesn’t write her notes in a notepad when she’s conducting an interview for a story.

No. Unlike the olden days when we used pens and notepads, the Zavala Elementary fifth-grader brings an iPad to her interviews complete with a video recorder.

“I barely finished my ‘Whoooo’s New?’” said Jennah, 11, propping her head against her hand, grimacing with frustration. Such is the life and long hours of a reporter, even for a student newspaper called “Zavala Owls Monthly Newspaper.”

The nine-member news staff is part of the Zavala Media Club and includes the Zavala Owls Weekly News. The “Weekly News” delivers a news broadcast each Friday in the school cafeteria.

“We come up with stories to tell about things going on in the district,” said Ayla Garcia, news anchor.

Ayla, 9, and the three other members of the news crew spend the week developing stories. When they’re ready, they head to the green room where their sponsor, Xochitl Lara, records their broadcast.

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