Eighth-grade students earn high marks on PSAT exams

HARLINGEN — When Christian Cavazos takes a test, it’s not just an exam. It’s an adventure into the heart and soul of every problem.

“I’d put myself in the question and say, ‘If I was in the question, how would I solve it?’” said Christian, 14, an eighth grader at Memorial Middle School.

Christian is one of 138 eighth graders at Memo-rial who’d just learned about his high marks on the 2015–2016 Preliminary SAT (PSAT) 8 Benchmark. Eighth graders across the Harlingen school district took the test.

“I feel reassured, be-cause now I know I have the capacity to succeed in future tests,” said Chris-tian, who plans to attend the Dr. Abraham P. Cano Freshman Academy next year.

Merissa Sauceda, in-structional coach at Me-morial, was pleased with the results.

“It’s awesome,” she said. “It’s an amazing feeling. I know the teachers pre-pared them.”

The test evaluated stu-dents’ abilities in math and reading. It was com-posed of evidence-based questions requiring stu-dents to seriously consider the problems they had to solve. The questions had real-life applications.

“Some of the questions I could really relate to,” Christian said.

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