Leaving a true legacy: Young spent nearly 60 years impacting education

HARLINGEN – Among all the kudos and laurels extended toward Verna Young were two formal recognitions.

One of those recognitions came from the Harlingen school board.

Dr. Nolan Perez, president of the school board, read an impassioned recognition from the board which listed numerous recognitions and honors.

“Tonight we honor a long-time member of our HCISD Board of Trustees, Mrs. Verna Young,” he said. “Serving on the board for 15 years, she has left a lasting impression on our Harlingen public schools. Mrs. Young was a key figure in promoting and helping pass the 2010 Bond. She has been instrumental in our district’s ongoing transformation.”

Perez added she had most recently helped secure passage of the Tax Ratification Election, which increased the property tax rate to purchase more supplies and fund upgrades.

“She has demonstrated time and time again her unwavering commitment to provide educational excellence for all students,” he said. “As a symbol of our gratitude, we present her with a plaque commemorating her 15 years of service to our board.”

He gestured toward a large bouquet of roses sitting a few feet away from Young. The bouquet contained 29 roses, one for each the district’s campuses, “to express the board’s deepest appreciation for her passion and sacrifice in creating world-class schools for our students.”

State Rep. Eddie Lucio III read a resolution honoring Young.

“Verna Young has dedicated a life time to equipping students with skills that will help them build fulfilling and productive lives, and her many valuable contributions to the Harlingen CISD will be appreciated for years to come,” Lucio said. “Be it resolved that Verna Young be honored on the occasion of her retirement from the Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District Board of Trustees and that she be extended sincere best wishes for the future.”