Saving lives; lifeguard classes upcoming soon

HARLINGEN – Aransas Haley wants everyone to enjoy swimming as much as she does.

However, they can’t enjoy themselves at the pool or the beach if a lifeguard isn’t keeping an eye on things, said Haley, a junior at Harlingen High School South.

She’ll soon be able to provide that peace of mind when she earns her certification as a lifeguard at the Aquatics Center on the east side of Boggus Stadium at South 13th Street and East Jackson Avenue.

“I can provide them with a sense of security,” said Haley, 16, who was delighted yesterday afternoon when Sandra Flinn, aquatics director, announced the school district’s plan to offer a program called “WATER Academy.” WATER stands for Water Awareness Training and Emergency Rescue. The course which will be taught in the program is called “American Red Cross Lifesaving Course.

Flinn made the announcement yesterday to swimmers from the varsity swim teams of Harlingen High School and Harlingen High School South. They’d gathered at the Aquatics Center for their daily swim class.

The Harlingen school district will offer the course to its swimmers in March, during the off season.

The course will be taught during their regular class time in the afternoon. A total of 75 swimmers are on the teams.

“We’re going to try it out,” she said. “We’re going to see what the response is. I think it will be positive. “

The students will earn a certification to work as a lifeguard, soaking up the sun, watching the swimmers.

“What better way to spend the summer than at a pool?” said Yvonne Moran, aquatics facilities specialist who will teach the course.

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