Affidavit: Yzaguirre accepted envelopes of cash for fraudulent vehicle registrations

A probable cause affidavit released to The Brownsville Herald this morning, revealed that the criminal charges against Cameron County Tax-Assessor Collector Tony Yzaguirre Jr. were the result of an undercover operation by the Texas Department of Public of Safety.

The affidavit detailed dealings where Yzaguirre allegedly would take cash in exchange for private meetings to perform fraudulent vehicle registrations of vehicles this past September.

Yzaguirre, county tax investigator Pedro Garza, dealer/notary supervisor Omar Sanchez-Paz and Chief of Investigations Lt. Jose Mireles were arrested Wednesday morning as the result of a two-year investigation under the code name “Operation Dirty Deeds.”

Yzaguirre was charged with four counts of bribery, a second-degree felony; engaging in organized criminal activity, a first-degree felony; and official oppression, a class A misdemeanor.

County tax investigator Pedro Garza was charged with bribery, engaging in organized criminal activity and official oppression.

Dealer/notary supervisor Omar Sanchez-Paz was charged with engaging in organized criminal activity and abuse of official capacity, a class A misdemeanor.

Jose Mireles was charged with bribery, engaging in organized criminal activity and official oppression.

The men were arrested and booked at the Carrizalez-Rucker Detention Center where they were later released on a personal recognizance bond issued by Magistrate Alfredo Padilla.