LETTERS: The case for vaccines, no tolerance for bullying

Stand strong on the case for vaccination

There are cities throughout the United States that continue to allow families to refuse required vaccines for children. Texas is among the 12 states that allow non-medical exemptions to include kindergarten-age children. It is important for families to understand the significance of vaccinating their children.

Some families seek exemptions due to the belief that vaccines cause autism disorders. The belief that autism is linked to vaccines has been medically discredited, according to the U.S. News & World Report. There must be education provided to families that explain the dangers of unvaccinated children. By not vaccinating children, preventable diseases that were rare or even eradicated in Texas may return. Education for the public on how vaccines work and how they affect your body is crucial to remove the fear of receiving vaccinations.

Vaccines can prevent your child from serious illness or complications that can reduce disabilities or death. Some examples of vaccine-preventable diseases are measles, mumps and whooping cough. Although there are risks with any medication taken, outweighing the risks is something to think about. Making contact with the public on vaccinations may be the key to reaching rural areas of the state where vaccinations may not be a priority. Announcements of free vaccine clinics or reduced prices for vaccines may encourage the community to attend.

We need to stand strong in our community to reach out to educate and encourage others to vaccinate their children. Education is a human right to make an informed decision.

Christine Hernandez, McAllen


Public schools should have no tolerance on bullying

Many students in public schools often get bullied, and at times are scared to report it or file a report, and nothing gets done about it. Public schools should have a zero tolerance for bullying on and off campus.

Failure to report a bullying occurrence for whatever reason is as bad as the person who’s doing the bullying. It’s enabling the student on student violence. With no consequences, there are no actions down the right path to helping the victim. Bullying happens every day for some kids and because of that it leads to mental health issues. It belittles their confidence and self-esteem. It can lead to social anxiety as well.

There needs to be more training within the staff to detect such occurrences happening while the kids are in their hands. Parents leave their kids at school to get an education, make friends and put trust into the security, teachers, administrators and principals to protect them. Not having school authorities and responses from staff, kids end up traumatized or even committing suicide.

Kids don’t understand the full consequences upon their actions when they’re being a bully and leaving a negative impact on the person they choose to victimize. There needs to be more actions being taken on the administrative side to prevent and make aware to their students of the affects those kids are making on other students on and off campus.

Ana Marroquin, McAllen