LETTERS: On John Bolton and Vietnam vets

Bolton appointment

Too bad that the viewer ratings are higher for the allegations/interviews about President Donald Trump and Playboy and porn women.

Titillating to be sure, but no way as serious and frightening as the president’s appointment of John Bolton to be the new National Security Adviser.

Bolton, an unapologetic advocate of preemptive war, should seize millions more viewers than the, “He did. He didn’t. I did. I didn’t,” accusations that have marked regular and cable TV.

Yes, sex sells, but war kills.

Learn more about Bolton, though it will require some internet searching, and time away from Anderson Cooper elevating CNN’s ratings while he asks softball questions of the women.

Bolton is hardly the person to ease United States’ tensions with Iran, North Korea,China and Russia. And how will he improve U.S. relations with Latin American and the Near and Middle East?

A hawk we do not need; a dove we seek.

Eugene “Gene” Novogrodsky, Brownsville

Respect Vietnam vets

Last year, President Donald Trump signed into law that March 27 would be recognized as National Vietnam War Veterans Day.

Vietnam veterans did not get the reception that was given to previous and present veterans after returning home from war.

Many Vietnam veterans have experienced chronic symptoms of what is now commonly known as PTSD but an official diagnosis did not exit then.

It still hurts that our country forgot that we were Americans to.

All I’m asking is that if you know someone who is a Vietnam Veteran just tell them “Welcome home.”

I am a proud Vietnam veteran.

Jose L. Rodriguez, McAllen