LETTERS: Debating LNG in the RGV

I support the proposed multi-billion dollar Rio Grande LNG project because it will be a far-reaching economic benefit for our region and the state.

My husband and I are homeowners and taxpayers of a small ranch in Cameron County. We see a great opportunity for our community to benefit from Rio Grande LNG. By using and bringing in skilled laborers and engineers, this will have a positive economic impact on the RGV. Rio Grande LNG will generate thousands of direct and indirect jobs and pump millions of dollars into our local and state economies. This boost in employment and spending will benefit a wide range of businesses, including eco-tourism. For example, more people will have more leisure income for birding, dolphin-watching tours, sports fishing, surfing and sandcastle lessons, and other outdoor activities. Projects like Rio Grande LNG and SpaceX will help stop our brain drain and economic decline as skilled professionals leave Cameron County to pursue careers and prosperity. By providing more and better jobs, we can keep these families and their paychecks here. I also believe liquid natural gas is a cleaner, healthier alternative for our energy needs. LNG also is proven to be more reliable than solar or wind power and with a smaller landmass footprint, is much more environmentally friendly than massive solar arrays and miles of roads, acres of land to employ wind turbines. Regarding the impact on our local environment, the TCEQ has determined that the project will meet or exceed all state and federal air quality standards. With safe, responsible projects like Rio Grande LNG, I believe that we can have economic growth, protect the environment and expand eco-tourism and other tourism sectors.

Ellen Tyma, Brownsville


Every day I turn on the weather report and look at Brownsville’s air quality. Almost daily it is atop the chart in the excellent category.

What good fortune that I have chosen such a fine place to live.

However if the powers-that-be have their way, and build three LNG processing towers, that wonderful air quality will change — for the worse.

All this horror would be for: scant jobs, immediate greed and environmental harm.

Ruth E. Wagner, Brownsville