LETTERS: On #MeToo movement; power lifting and Mark Zuckerberg

#MeToo to Trump

President No. 45 may hope to avoid the investigation of charges of sexual misconduct or outright abuse made by at least 16 women. But he is NOT above the law. Bill Clinton was scrutinized. It’s Donald Trump’s turn to face his past possible transgressions. The #MeToo movement has outed numerous sexual

predators in the last year. Let these women have their day in court. “Locker room” is no excuse for sexual harassment. Mistreatment of those under one’s influence/ control is not tolerable.

Tom Nieland, Alamo

Cover power lifting

The Monitor covers sport activities of baseball, football, soccer, volleyball, basketball, etc. My question is why not cover power lifting events? I believe that is a sport, also, and it should be recognized.

PSJA North Raiders won their district championship on Feb. 3, but I have not seen any mention of it in The Monitor. I read The Monitor daily and

I would like to see power lifting events mentioned. I believe the students who compete should be given recognition for their hard work, just as others are in different sporting events. All students deserve recognition — not just the same sports like the ones mentioned at the beginning of this letter. Thank you for your consideration.

Imelda Jones, McAllen

Punish Zuckerberg

I believe that theft is a prime source of Mark Zuckerberg’s income. I believe Zuckerberg hacks into the computers of millions of non-Facebook users to steal information. He does so with third-party “cookies” that are “spyware” used to eavesdrop and report computer and Internet use.

The unauthorized use of computers is a crime under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. Zuckerberg’s extensive use of third-party computers runs up the

Internet and electric bills of his victims. This is simple theft of services, the same as Zuckerberg washing his clothes in another man’s machine to avoid the expenses of maintaining his own. It is high time that Mark Zuckerberg is prosecuted!

George Smith,

Athens, Alabama