LETTERS: On ‘annexing Mexico’ and Irene Garza’s justice

Just ‘annex Mexico’

To solve immigraiton problems, America needs to annex Mexico. Sergio Sanchez, on radio AM 710, is always saying how Mexicans want to live in American north of the river. As an American territory, honest citizens would be given the right to bear arms. Drug cartels would vanish if they have to face people who actually shoot back.

Second, we could pay every resident of Mexico a royalty check, just like Alaskans get (for oil fund payments.) The higher standard of living would give Mexicans a reason to return home.

Third, the money saved by protecting a smaller border could be used to pay off politicians, like Mexico’s president who said he won’t pay for a “blank” wall.

Don’t say it’s impossible. My granddaughter, a high school senior, read this and said “I’m nuts.” Mexico as a territory, like Puerto Rico, would be good for America and great for Mexico. The RGV is run by Hispanics and I think they are doing a good job. I’m not the only one who thinks this way. Johnny Partain, of McAllen, in a recent letter also had the same idea.

Clint Williams, Edcouch

‘Justice prevailed’

In March 2014, CBS’s 48 Hours tried to interview John Feit in Arizona resolving the 1960 unsolved cold case murder of Irene Garza. Feit told him “Get lost” and shut the door. Can you image:

57 years later, Hidalgo County District Attorney Ricardo Rodriguez took the bull by the horns and initiated an insurmountable task to solve a puzzle that had never been attempted and brought Feit to trial and got a conviction. Justice prevailed.

Pete Romero, McAllen