LETTERS: Opposing a border wall and weather patterns

Don’t build the wall

While you are reading about the Dreamers and the “Trump” wall, you might dwell on this thought: Do we, really need a 2,000-mile wall, emblazoned with Donald Trump in 10-foot high letters? At best, or worst, do we need to spend the resources to build the wall more than using the same resources to repair our crumbling infrastructure?

One project fuels an inflated ego, the other benefits the country’s general population

Also consider this. Do we have enough monetary resources to deport all the “illegals,” in this country? You realize, of course, to do this tax money is needed or large debt will be incurred. Do we really want additional tax burdens or an increased national debt?

Ken Cantine, Pharr

Extreme weather

The snow we received in December was an amazing and extraordinary event. The cold front last week was a similarly unusual occurrence. Unfortunately, I’ve already seen people using the fact that it is snowing over half of the United States as an argument against climate change. In my frustration, let me make a few points. Weather is not the same thing as climate. The three hottest years on record have been 2014-16. Warmer ocean temperatures absolutely contributed to make Hurricanes Harvey and Maria more devastating. The fact that it took until mid-November for temperatures to get below the 90s is proof. Not to mention that snow fall used to be much more common in the United States, and rising temperatures is reducing overall snow. Climate deniers in Congress will undoubtedly use this snowfall as one tool against the vast evidence that supports anthropogenic climate change. Please call your members of congress at (202) 224-3121 to remind them to listen to science and not anecdotes only relevant in the moment.

Jordan Navarro, Santa Rosa