LETTERS: On hockey coverage and DACA

More hockey coverage in RGV

I am a Winter Texan from Western Canada. I note that The Monitor devotes the majority of their sports coverage to basketball and football. The World Junior Hockey Championship, and under 20 tournament held annually, just concluded in Buffalo, New York.

The United States was well represented by a very good team, 10 of whose players were from Minnesota. The Americans won bronze and one of the U.S.

forwards was named as the best player in the tournament. I was very disappointed by The Monitor’s total lack of coverage of this prestigious annual tournament, especially in view of the United States being so well represented and the tournament being played in the United States. I also note that there is very little coverage devoted to the NHL. Texas does have an NHL tear, the Dallas Stars. With the large number of Winter Texans from Canada and northern states — where hockey is very popular — residing here in the RGV during the winter months, I am sure there is sufficient interest in this event and hockey, in general, that your

readership would appreciate seeing some information printed relating to the sport of hockey.

By the way, Canada won the gold medal in the junior tournament defeating Sweden 3 to 1.

J. Karl Monaghan, Weslaco

‘Cannot solve problem of foreigners’

The Mexican woman shown crying in Friday’s Monitor front page (with the story “DACA deal still unresolved,”) is crying at the wrong place, in the wrong city, and in the wrong country. She should be crying in front of Mexico’s congressional building, in Mexico City, Mexico.

The fact is that America, and we Americans, cannot solve the problems of foreigners. Foreigners need to start solving their own problems in their own country.

The “DACA deal” needs to be solved in Mexico City — not in Washington, D.C.

For example, the Mexican federal government can very well afford to offer each and every DACA student, the sum of $1,000 to return to and stay in Mexico.

With the 15th largest economy in the world, Mexico needs all those 800,000 DACA students to further improve and increase its economy.

Also, Mexico needs to increase its educated electorate to improve its government at all levels.

And yes, Mexico needs to improve its judiciary and law enforcement to better serve and protect all its citizens.

Therefore, I hereby suggest that our three congressmen from South Texas get together and visit with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office. Once in there, they can tell President Trump to get on the phone and talk to and tell Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto, to take over and carry the DACA ball and run with it. He is a very good and very strong leader.

I believe that he will be more than glad to take the DACA problem off of President Trump’s shoulders.

After all, we Americans and Mexicans are neighbors and friends. Neighbors and friends need to help each other. We need to work together to solve all problems.

Juan Del Bosque Jr., Donna