LETTERS: ‘Misinformation’ draws comment

Ten years ago “blanket censorship” wouldn’t even be an idea uttered in America, much less pushed by a standing president and his administration. The current communist-leaning party running America needs to realize blanket censorship is infringement on free speech.

Ideas, perceptions, ideologies, theories and especially those ideas that go against any standing government should most definitely not be silenced.

In the near future when ideas and freedoms are either infringed or punished, just remember whom you voted for.

Biden’s war on “disinformation” is a war on America. No individual, president, administration or social media company should have the power to completely silence an individual or movement in the name of disinformation. The idea of “disinformation” depends on where you stand.

Let’s not forget the “misinformation” that roamed rampant during the Holocaust that was being pushed by the government in power.

Let’s not forget the “misinformation” that roamed rampant during the Tuskegee study, when Americans (unknown to them) were being used as guinea pigs in mass human experimental trails on the effects of syphilis.

Let’s not forget the “misinformation” that roamed rampant when the American government tested the effects of mustard and lewisite gas on unknowing American soldiers.

Let’s not forget the “misinformation” that roamed rampant in 1942 when Executive Order 9066 was signed that resulted in the internment of Japanese Americans.

Let’s not forget the “misinformation” that roamed rampant in Congress when the 1978 Indian Child Welfare Act was passed that was devastating to Indian children and families.

The fact is that “misinformation” is like beauty and lies only in the eyes of the beholder. The Democratic Party is quickly becoming the party of ignorance and amnesia with a strong and fierce leaning toward socialist and communist ideologies.

The current administration is slowly but surely trying to infringe on free speech and individual rights. American citizens are no longer free to judge for themselves, to think for themselves, to analyze, decipher or to even question the current administration. Adult Americans (for the first time in history) are not allowed to share or even read certain opinions, thoughts and ideas.

This administration has a code word for censorship: it’s called “disinformation.”

This is not Cuba and Biden is an American president. He is a quasi-communist socialist leader of America.

Hortencia Camargo,
