LETTERS: Candidates criticized

The city of Brownsville has grown, but interestingly enough the list of worthy candidates has not. Surely I am not the only one who is ready for a true change in leadership in the great city of Brownsville!

Why is it that come municipal elections I am once again disappointed to see the same names over and over again on the ballot? Perhaps it is because the average voter does not understand or take the time to explore what is really happening among our elected officials.

Have you ever attended a City Commission meeting? Reviewed the agendas? Taken the time to ask our elected officials questions?

You would be utterly shocked at how our mayor and city commissioners are spending our taxpayer dollars and alarmed at what they deem as “priorities” for the city of Brownsville! I would venture to say that if more constituents were to get involved in our local public square we would see the old voted out and the real change voted in!

It is time to stop electing people based on their last name and start electing individuals based on selflessness, transparency and integrity — traits our current Brownsville City Commission is severely lacking.

Deborah L. Bell, Brownsville