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The hypocrisy from the left about their obsessions for gun control, pro-abortion, children in cages, “compassion for the poor: and Jan. 6 are a real example of the Nazism that their party now uses to smear the non-Nazis, non-fascists, non-Antifa conservatives of America.

The left still uses the “Democratic” mantle left behind by many when numerous members started the Socialist Party of America and Communist Party USA, which many real Democrats are not part of but they’re outnumbered by the Marxist cult. They’re just quietly not part of it. We respect them for their quiet patriotic resistance.

Republican Abraham Lincoln honorably freed slavery. It cost him being assassinated by his leftist haters, but he is forever enshrined as the best president in American history, because he had a disdain for people suffering.

The left’s duplicity:

1. They call Donald Trump a “convicted felon” with audacity given the weaponized media’s suppressed evidence of Biden family corruption, using his presidency to enrich the family.

“Why look at the speck in thy neighbor’s eye when there is a log in yours?”

This should include much other Biden lawfare cleverly covered up by weaponized and abused government tools.

2. The left is offended by guns, but remain quiet on non-gun knife/machete-wielding rape and beating deaths of innocent Americans daily in the news.

3. Barack Obama originated the cages for detained children, it wasn’t Trump. Remember Obama was known as the “deporter in chief”? He reversed it when he needed immigrants to vote for him to sustain his still ongoing Marxist agenda. His cult followers and his mandated media have developed total amnesia since.

4. If they really care about innocent children, why their relentless, unhinged pursuit to kill babies through their beloved abortions?

5. The Marxists’ “compassion for the poor”? Compassion is for non-Americans, while Americans are paying for this falsehood with their blood and sweat. What kind of compassion is this? Do Biden or Obama give any of their own money to these foreign or domestic poor? Of course not! They’re ensconced in their own elitist homes paid for by the suffering constituents. Obama/Biden are doling out these benefits to foreigners instead of the American people paying for them, duh!

Just remember they’ve never held real back-breaking jobs! They came into power with government-paid degrees as coddled activists and organizers to destroy America, not to help the Americans maintain freedom! Neither one of them created businesses, they just became entitled globalist elitists with the people’s money and wanting more!

6. Nancy Pelosi was recently caught on video saying she took responsibility for the National Guard not being at the Capitol. After admitting her error in such video evidence, she still went on leftist media and blamed Trump for her own dereliction of duty! Her audacity can’t be any different than the Adolf Hitler/Josef Stalin playbook.

According to The Washington Post, “Nobody got killed besides Ashli Babbitt, a U.S. soldier, by a police officer, and 2 died from natural causes and 1 by intoxication.”

Unfortunately, the Marxists still go on with their false “assault,” pushing this infamy on and on in real Nazi rhetoric fashion, “repeat a lie until it becomes the truth.”

To this I say, until Judgment Day!

The only people who take offense against you for speaking the truth are those people who are living a lie. Keep speaking the truth.

Imelda Coronado lives in Mission.