LETTERS: Concern for future, Wealthy class draw criticism

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Concern for future

I totally agree with the Aug. 6 editorial cartoon of Donald Trump pinned by the sword of Lady Justice for his crimes against America! It breaks my heart in our modern age to have someone with money buy their way into our White House and cause so much angst and hatred.

We just had our great-granddaughter visit us from Florida and her third birthday is this month, so this visit is so special to our lives. But her parents are so wrapped up in the Republican rhetoric that they are not open to any discussion of facts surrounding the upcoming election of 2024.

Looking back to past demagogues who have had the audacity to run for the presidency such as George Wallace and to a lesser extent Ross Perot, whom I agreed with on many things, they failed in their bids for the White House but didn’t have a lasting impression on our daily lives like Trump has. He has succeeded in dividing families and friendships to the detriment of society here in America and around the world.

As a veteran of four years in the U.S. Navy, I sometimes wonder if I wasted four years of my life not to forget my father during World War I, my two older brothers, two brothers-in-law during World War II, my older brother and me during the Korean conflict and my youngest brother during the Vietnam War. Was all this cost to our lives possibly in vain to lose our freedoms under Trump in 2024? I pray not, because we have 13 grandchildren coming up in America who deserve the same freedoms we have enjoyed.

Vladimir Putin in Russia seems to be hell-bent on starving the world with food and energy restrictions and the seeming destruction of Ukraine fiscally of their housing, business, manufacturing and of their food production. While many of our Congress people seemingly cheer him on to that end!

What is going on in Washington to affect their thinking and deeds? God help us, because we are in trouble.

Bill Williams


Wealthy class draw criticism

The wealthy class and their Republican Party minions are suffocating the power of the middle class and working poor.

They are claiming the right to appoint mid-term retiring senators outside the constitutionally mandated electoral process (Kentucky).

They are asserting immunity from prosecution for wrongdoing while in office (Former President Donald Trump, Sen. Lindsey Graham).

They are pushing for lifetime political power while at the same time professing to support term limits (Sen. Ted Cruz).

They are promoting super majorities to approve citizen-initiated state constitutional amendments (Ohio Initiative 1) and to approve ballot measures (Utah hunting, Arizona taxation).

They are overthrowing local home rule in cities by limiting local power to make city-specific ordinances and criminal justice reforms (Texas) and are dispatching state troopers to patrol local streets (Austin).

They are taking over locally elected school boards and closing libraries (Houston); tampering with locally determined civics education (race and gender curriculum); undertaking madcap propaganda initiatives (election denying, indictment denying); attempting to overturn rule of law with populist demagoguery (MAGA); and refusing compromise with Democrats (everywhere).

In brief, they are not doing things the American way.

Kimball Shinkoskey

Woods Cross, Utah

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