Letters: Truck driver wants respect

During the heights of the pandemic every politician used the trucking industry for their personal political benefit.

Many U.S. congressional representatives and senators used us as props for their photo ops.

We were once called essential workers, but unlike nurses and those in the medical field, once it was convenient, we were discarded and forgotten about.

Post-pandemic, we have reverted to being considered second-class citizens or possibly lower. Politicians at all levels no longer have a publicity-related need for us, so we are conveniently discarded.

At the municipal level, mayors and city councilmen do not consider us worthy of representation. They write ordinances limiting where we can park our trucks, which streets we can use and other restrictions that only affect our industry.

We are taxpayers too and we demand to be treated as equal members of the community, not looked at as nuisances. Offer us a seat at the table; we deserve it.

Rudy A. Rodriguez


Keep Navarrette

out of this state

Ruben Navarrette Jr.’s columns every week suggest we should be more like California, welcome the whole world to come across our border no questions asked.

I think vetting people might save lives and children from awful people like pedophiles and sex slaves.

Navarrette never has anything good to say about America, always about the mistakes we made 200 years ago. Just maybe he should keep his articles for California and leave Texas out of his liberal nut-job ideas.

Bill Rouillier




John-Michael Torres whines about too much focus on the border in his May 7 letter to the editor. Really?

About his mention of “white supremacy,” he deflects on the real discrimination effected by Marxist ideologies propaganda. If anybody is racist, it’s those Marxists who benefit voraciously. Don’t dump on the forgotten, the working taxpayers, while economically decimating them.

He also chooses to fawn over the infamous Southern Poverty Law Center, bypassing the news that local non-governmental organizations just received more than $13 million, plus lesser amounts to other local government entities for undisclosed use, via the generosity of American taxpayers, who repetitiously receive absolutely no relief of any kind, decade after decade. To the contrary, property taxes and all kinds of taxes never cease going up for those who work to survive.

The designation of those funds always is for “the most vulnerable” — the cradle-to-grave government dependents coming through our “humanitarian” open border

Bear in mind that the “government” is actually the downtrodden working Americans who keep financing this opportunistic dependency, by mandates from the Marxist dictators in charge to keep their global elitism and luxurious personal lives ongoing.

Over and over again, they stick it to the defenseless, working taxpayers under the centuries-old guise of using resources for “the most vulnerable,” which really are tyrannical scams.

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

— Martin Luther King

Imelda Coronado


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]