Letters: Racism alleged

Greg Abbott is not complying with his constitutional oath. I do not know of one Republican in Texas who supports the U.S. Constitution above the gun lobby’s campaign donations. The moral stands of the founding fathers mean nothing to the MAGA GOP.

Greg Abbott started his political life when George Wallace was at his peak in Alabama. After losing a race for governor in 1958, he said, “They’ll never out-nigger me again.” Every time he ran after that, he won.

Wallace became Abbott’s political godfather.

At this time, Greg Abbott is wanting to pardon a white man who killed a black man. On May 29, 2020, days after George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer prompted nationwide protests, Daniel Perry sent a text message saying, “I might go to Dallas to shoot looters.”

“The U.S. Army sergeant also sent racist and anti-Muslim messages before and after Floyd’s death. In April 2020, he sent a meme, which included a photo of a woman holding her child’s head under water in the bath, with the text, “WHEN YOUR DAUGHTERS FIRST CRUSH IS A LITTLE NEGRO BOY,” according to the state’s filing.“

The gun-loving GOP can put another notch in their guns. A young cheerleader was shot near Austin for accidentally getting into the wrong car at an H-E-B. The murderer was Latino and the victim was white. Guess whose side Abbott will be on? Guns and racial hatred are the driving force of the GOP.

Whose life is being protected in the GOP’s gun culture?

Hank Shiver



and vote

On April 21 I read a letter on the Opinion page stating one man’s views on voting. It is becoming more and more a necessity for each person to learn about those wanting to control your life. That is what the laws do they are passing in Austin and WashingtonDC. You can’t just stick your head in the sand and be spoon-fed false theories and learn the facts of what these people are doing to us.

Sometimes you have to vote for the least possible harm from these individuals. There are a lot of online sites where you can do research on these people but be cautious because some of them are fake. My beloved sister-in-law (only one left alive) during the 2016 election kept sending me stories how great Donald Trump was and how bad Joe Biden was and some of those were proven to be Vladimir Putin’s meddling in our election.

As an example, I recently went online to catch the late night news and behold — one popped up saying the Supreme Court had shut down the ruling from our federal judge in Amarillo! Goy my paper the next morning saying this was not so.

I have great faith in our election system, having worked at the polls two different presidential elections. My biggest disappointment was not seeing a lot of working class such as in the construction, services industry and ditch diggers. That was a turn-off for me.

We all have to do our part in preserving our democracy or suffering the consequences. So please do your part, take time to learn about these people and go vote.

Bill Williams


LETTERS — Limit letters to 300 words; all letters are subject to editing. Mail: P.O. Box 3267, McAllen, TX78502-3267; Email: [email protected]