Letters: Traffic decried

“Spaghetti overpasses” in Pharr — when will the construction end?

Traffic flow is just as bad as a major prostate problem. I am stuck in traffic and can’t go anywhere. When traffic moves, I move forward 10 feet and stop and wait again. And wait for the next moment, and just when I begin to roll forward, someone cuts in front of me and I am back to square one again.

In 1975 when TxDOT planned the expressway, someone mentioned, “Why not make it a four-lane?” Two things kept it from happening. TxDOT did not have the traffic or the money to do it.

Rafael Madrigal




I couldn’t believe my eyes as I read the story on March 31 edition us of our politicians’ reaction to Donald Trump’s indictment! Our elected officials in Texas have totally lost their minds according to this news piece!

What did they think when they swore to uphold our Constitution? Did they think the oath only applied to them on that day or did they think it meant nothing at all?

These people in my estimation are lower on the natural order of things in nature than a maggot. I don’t intend to denigrate the maggots of this world. They have a useful life in nature to help get rid of our refuse.

We in America fought to rid ourselves of a king and his taxation. We have stood up against dictators of this world, Hitler, Mussolini, the emperor of Japan, Saddam Hussein of Iraq and many others. Now the Republicans want a dictator to rule in America — what a revolting idea! They want to control our elections, putting in office whomever they want and controlling our daily lives.

I say hell no to them. We don’t have a glorified person who is immune to our laws whom we Americans follow. Trump is human, just as we are, and that’s a fact.

Bill Williams




Another school shooting and no one does anything to stop them. Why? Campaign donations from the gun lobby are more important than born children. There is no such thing as being pro-life and pro-gun.

Texas GOP representatives have taken more than $14 million from gun rights groups. How much are the senators and representatives paid to make it easy to legally be responsible for the slaughter in public schools?

Ted Cruz took in $176,274, Cornyn $78,498, Texas state officials received $700,000. Can anyone convince me that the Texas GOP would give up that money to save the lives of children?

In the Uvalde shooting, 376 law enforcement officers showed up and waited for 1 hour and 15 minutes to kill one gunman with one AR-15. Greg Abbott was going to show up, but he had to attend a fundraiser first. One officer waited in the hall while his wife bled out. Where was the heroism? Now, tell me the lives of those children was important.

In Nashville, Tenn., it took three officers a total of 14 minutes from shots fired to bring down the shooter with two — not one — AR-15s. The Republican Representative from that district basically said he did not care.

Gerrymandering gave that blue district to the GOP. Up until the last election, Nashville had always been blue.

Gun money makes sure mass shootings can continue. I will not vote for or support a friend of the NRA. My daughter’s and wife’s lives are too important.

Hank Shiver


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